Faculty Textbook Adoptions

Complete the following form and click the Submit button at the end of the form and your reservation will be sent to the bookstore. Confirmation of this course materials request will be sent to the email address you provide. You can add multiple materials for each course..

If your course is ZTC, please enter "None" in the author field and "ZTC" in the title field instead of selecting the No Textbooks required box. You can enter supplies in the form if desired by entering items in the author and title fields.

Instructor Information * required fields

Course Information * required fields

Adoption Information * required fields

Select the number of textbooks you will be submitting for adoption:

No Textbooks

Textbook #1

Adopted book details

Yes No

Textbook #2

Adopted book details

Yes No

Textbook #3

Adopted book details

Yes No

Textbook #4

Adopted book details

Yes No

Textbook #5

Adopted book details

Yes No

Textbook #6

Adopted book details

Yes No

Textbook #7

Adopted book details

Yes No

Textbook #8

Adopted book details

Yes No

Textbook #9

Adopted book details

Yes No

Textbook #10

Adopted book details

Yes No